When I was still a homeschool mom, we had a blast singing this song with a group of homeschooled kids that met at our house. Listening to the song is fun; I think singing it is even more awesome. Maybe you'd like to try it? You can warm up by singing with the video. But you might want to develop your own arrangement. I worked out some guitar chords for key of G, capo 5 -- it has G, D, C, with some Em and Am thrown in here and there (easier for us to sing than the key in the video; it's slightly lower than the key there) .
I think I'll go have a taco.
It was written by songwriter Parry Gripp, who has created a whole series of kind of bizarre songs . . . and in my opinion, at least so far I think this one is the cream of the crop.
And if you watch the video, with animation by Boone Bum, you will also enjoy some interesting, cartoonish artwork: