Enter my teen son . . . I am so thankful he came to the rescue with Vitamin String Quartet! Yes, soothing, wonderful instrumental music -- the likes of which I'd never heard before! As I was soaking in the beautiful sounds, I asked him what music group this was, and he told me it was "Vitamin String Quartet."
This was my introduction to a collection of well loved, currently popular instrumental music-- and I think VSQ is very aptly named . . . it was music that was like a vitamin, bringing health and wellness!
Though they were new to me, I now know that in general, Vitamin String Quartet is very widely known; maybe that's because they don't play just any sort of string quartet music . . . instead of typical chamber music, renditions of popular songs in pop, rock, and misc. other genres are arranged and produced, in classical music style. It isn't just one certain group of players . . . various musicians play on different albums that are all produced by VSQ. And it isn't usually an actual quartet . . . for example, on a tribute album for Coldplay, there were 10 instrumental performers, playing various instruments-- however, there WERE four instruments: cello, violin, viola, and bass. There were also 3 arrangers, 3 producers, and 6 composers, plus an engineer and graphic designer; so this is a large, collaborative effort.
Most of the VSQ videos available on the internet have only the album cover . . . but I did find a couple that are interesting to watch as well as listen to. Here is one with a ballet dancer, dancing to a string quartet version of The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus's song, "Your Guardian Angel":
Dance Love Inspire from Ignatius Ng on Vimeo.
Backwards III from Nathan Andrukonis on Vimeo.
Are you getting enough vitamins? How about vitamin M (for music)? Here is the website for the Vitamin String Quartet: http://www.vitaminstringquartet.com/ You're sure to find a large assortment of instrumental vitamins.