One is the shamisen, a banjo-like stringed instrument with a very long neck that is played either using a "bachi" (looks kind of like a spatula) or plucked. It has only three strings.
Then there is the koto-- the names for different parts to this instrument all refer to it being a "dragon." Well, it IS long, like a dragon. . . about 6 feet long. It's made from hollowed out wood, and has 13 strings raised above it lengthwise, supported by bridges. The strings are plucked with special finger picks.
All of these are being played in this very interesting piece of music, "Bad Apple!!" by formal musicians on a traditional stage. The arrangement of this Japanese pop song is by Yorihide Fukushima.
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"Bad Apple!!" is a musical piece composed for a video game created by gamemaker ZUN, in Japan. It was in the game Lotus Land Story. The song became extremely popular when Japanese pop singer Nomico performed and recorded it in 2007.