This music is just pleasant. It's also unique and interesting to listen to. There are a variety of instruments-- from glockenspiel and cello to banjo and harmonica-- besides the usual singer-songwriter's guitar. And there are lovely vocal harmonies; the two lead singers are Michael Gungor and his wife Lisa Gungor.
Gungor (the name of their group), has released three albums in recent years, and all three have been nominated for Grammies in various categories.
"Beautiful Things" is one of my favorite Gungor songs. Its simple words are especially welcome to a generation that seeks purpose and possibilities in an increasingly violent and hostile world. It speaks of how God "makes beautiful things" out of the dust.
Here are two videos of this same song; one allows a view of the musicians and all the instruments being played (a cello, guitar, glockenspiel, and pianica).
Beautiful Things-- performed live at RELEVANT Studios:
The other has a really creative presentation of the words. It's awesome! The filmmaker must have had to practice the choreography of the camera movements for this one.
Beautiful Things-- lyric video by StarsFallProductions (Youtube):