And the song I am featuring here in this post is one that demonstrates the dancing, whirling nature of these floating whirlybirds.
It is a piano piece composed by Therese Michaud, a pianist and composer whose work is sparkling with energy and imagination.
Terese has this "WhirlyBird" song on her MySpace page, here:
She is an artist who lives nearby, and I love to hear her play-- her compositions are amazing and wonderful (whether she's playing in person or you listen through a recording).
Therese has two CD's available, and is working on a third ("WhirlyBird" will be on it). Her CD's -- as well as individual downloads-- can be found on CD Baby:
Our yard is getting full of whirlybirds . . . and when I see them flying or scattered all around, I like to think of Therese's piano piece -- full of motion-- and imagine what it would be like to be a seed helicopter and whirl in the spring wind . . .